Texas Style Avocado Toast

This week has been insanely busy at work and on top of that I have been helping my sister-in-law plan her baby gender reveal party, which I will be making a cake for this weekend. I’m super excited to reveal the great news to them!

In all my busyness I almost didn’t have time to get into my kitchen and make something new but I’m way too stubborn to give up on my goal of creating a new recipe every week. It’s a super simple yet incredibly delicious recipe this week; Texas Style Avocado Toast.

What makes this Avocado Toast Texas style is using thickly sliced bread and frying it in a skillet to toast. Traditionally butter would be used to fry the bread, I opted for extra virgin olive oil instead, I love the flavor and richness that the EVOO adds.

I’m lucky enough to have a local grocer that doesn’t use egg or dairy in their bakery fresh bread so I used what they call a Country White Loaf  to make this, it was SO yummy. I hope you have just as good of luck at finding some good bread.

I know, I know, there are probably hundreds to thousands of avocado toast recipes out there but this is how I like to make mine, I hope you love it!

If you try this recipe, don’t forget to let me know what you think! Leave a comment below,  on Facebook, or snap a pic of your results and tag #healthconsciouskitchen on Instagram.



4 Thick Slices Bread (ensure vegan friendly)

2-3 Tablespoons Extra Virgin Olive Oil

2 Ripe Avocados

8 Thick Slices Tomato

2 Teaspoons Hemp Seeds

1/2 Teaspoon Red Pepper Flakes

1/4 Teaspoon Nutritional Yeast

Pink Himalayan Salt or Sea Salt to taste


Heat a large skillet over medium heat.

If not already sliced, slice bread into 1/2-1 inch thick slices. Drizzle olive oil over both slides of bread slices.

Place bread into heated skillet. Cook 2-3 minutes each side, or until lightly browned.

To assemble; spread 1/2 avocado on each slice of bread, top with two slices tomatoes each, divide hemp seeds, red pepper flakes, and nutritional yeast between the 4 pieces avocado toast sprinkling evenly over tops, season with salt if desired.

Serves: 2






3 Comments Add yours

  1. DGGYST says:

    Well well well, some of us aren’t billionaires with private jets and avocado toasts! lol

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hahah! 😂 Maybe if I lay off the toast I could afford a jet one day… 🤔

      Liked by 1 person

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